Coming Back to Private Yoga Post Quarantine

Ahimsa is the ancient yogic principle of non-harming. Keeping with the tradition of Ahimsa we want to provide the upmost safety to our clients as NYC slowly opens back up. We acknowledge the collective struggle of our community and hope yoga can be a vehicle in supporting our growth and healing during this time.

In yoga we honor the universal basic goodness within all of us especially in times of uncertainty. Thank you for your continued support and patience as we navigate an ever changing climate.

Here is our reopening plan:

Remote Zoom private, couples, and small group yoga will continue indefinitely.

In person sessions will resume with a capacity limit per week. Sessions will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis.

Mask must be worn and working outdoors is preferred.

Clients must provide their own mats, block, and props.

Clients may opt in or out of hands on assist at anytime.

Hands on assist will be given sparingly upon request and all instructors will use hand sanitizer before giving an assist.

Instructors and clients will keep generous distance, unless instructors are providing an assist.

We understand the importance of maintaining a safe and socially responsible yoga practice as well as the physical, emotional, and spiritual need for your personal yoga care. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please feel free to email or call me directly. Private Yoga Soho is here to help.

To discuss what option works best for you moving forward contact us below to set up a phone consultation.

Stay Well <3