Yoga On Demand

As temperatures begin to cool down and we find ourselves quarantined at home, keeping our yoga practice consistent can seem like a rather large challenge. The most important part of practice is consistency; with changing schedules and plans as well as winter blues, it can be difficult to squeeze time for yoga into the daily routine. Considering a shorter practice is a helpful tool when trying to practice yoga multiple times per week.

I often find that my private yoga clients who practice 15-30min most days between one-on-one sessions tend to gain more flexibility and strength faster. Though its not necessary to practice everyday, consistency really does add benefit when it comes to practicing yoga.

Below is a 40min on-demand yoga practice; designed to build heat quickly as well as provide a full body release. Stay safe, stay healthy, and practice!

Interested in learning more about private yoga? Contact us below to learn more about virtual and in person private yoga classes!

Alli Bradley