In Home Yoga For Parents & Kids

“Have a kid” they said, “it will be the most rewarding thing you can do”, they said; but no one glamorized the late nights, loud noises, and lack of alone time. The truth is being a parent is rewarding, but it’s also stressful for parents to find time to take care of themselves when a young child is running around terrorizing their Manhattan apartment at all hours of the day. 

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This year I’ve had the pleasure to work with many new parents who are opting to balance self care and childcare with in home, private yoga lessons. The days of parents running themselves ragged between work and family is over as new parents are opting for a more conscious approach. 

Below are some of the reasons new parents are loving what private yoga lessons provide for not only themselves but also their families. 

Self Care: 

Parents are realizing in order to show up for their children they have to show up for themselves first. Parents need the time to take care of themselves physically and emotionally in order to be the patient, understanding parent they aspire to be. In home yoga lessons give new parents the support they need physically and emotionally. Our private yoga instructors help parents deal with everything from upper body soreness from carrying growing babies to  breathing techniques to relieve anxiety. Parents spend so much time and effort taking care of their children and enjoy a couple hours per week where they are taking care of themselves.

Quiet Time:

Teaching young children how to communicate can be a difficult task. Parents often use their private yoga session as a time to teach their children about the importance of quiet time or using their “inside voice”, providing the entire family with some much needed low volume time. This one hour session can completely change the energy of the entire household, giving everyone some time to sit with themselves and calm down. Parents enjoy the change of energy and overtime kids learn when the yoga mats come out it’s time to lower the volume in the household. 


It’s only natural for young kids to be dependent on their parents, but as children get older and reach the age where school or daycare becomes an option it can be hard to ease children into a different rhythm with less  face to face parent time. To make this transition smoother parents use their private yoga time as an opportunity for independent play time. While parents de-stress with a private yoga session, kids quietly play in a separate section of the home. 

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For private yoga clients with younger children scheduling is key! A new addition to the family can change not only the family  dynamic but also the family schedule, causing stress and anxiety. Parents rely on creative solutions to take care of themselves and their family. Because private yoga instructors come to your home, you can have your private yoga lesson when the baby is napping or when the nanny is around. This is a life saver for new parents who are trying to regain a sense of balance after a new family addition.

Kids Love Yoga:

Kids who grow up with yoga in the home often find their way to a yoga mat, making private yoga an awesome and healthy family activity. Parents love being able to share yoga with their children from a young age and often implement stress management tools they learn together in yoga into their family culture. Some families practice yoga together or they have seperate lessons for their children, or do a mix of both. For younger children it can be difficult for them to complete the entire session, so they jump in for a small section on the yoga session and opt out when their attention dwindles. Private Yoga is adaptable making it a flexible choice for families. 

Being a new parent doesn't mean your yoga practice has to suffer. Yoga is here to help us along our journey as parents. Private yoga is an amazing tool for parents opting for a more conscious and balanced family experience. Families who do yoga together stay together! 

Learn more about private yoga : 

In Depth Explanation of the Benefits of Private Yoga

One-on-One Time

Are Private Yoga Classes Different?

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