What to Expect During a Private Yoga Session

Consultation: When you’re working 1:1 with a private yoga instructor more likely than not your instructor will want to know some things about you. It’s important you let them know about your past yoga experiences, any health concerns/injuries, as well as any goals you may have. Because you are working 1:1 your  teacher will want to make your yoga practice as specific to you and your needs as possible. This is your chance to really set the mood with your instructor, so they can help you and support you as much as possible. 

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Introductory Session: On the day of your first private yoga lesson, your instructor will travel to your agreed upon meeting place. This could be your home, your building’s gym, the park, etc.; it’s important to pick a place where you feel most comfortable. For this first session you can request that your instructor provide you with a mat and any other necessary props. 

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Hands On Adjustments: When working privately with a yoga instructor you will experience a more specific and curated experience. Your yoga instructor will use the info provided to them through the first consultation to make a yoga session specific to you. This will often include hands on adjustments to help you better understand your body’s alignment as well as provide additional support in more difficult poses. Many clients LOVE this aspect of a private yoga practice; but if it’s not your cup of tea, simply let your instructor know and they will find other ways to guide you through your yoga practice. 


Time For Feedback: Your yoga instructor wants you to have an optimal experience! That means they will check in with you after the session to see how you’re feeling. That means if your lower back feels amazing but your left hamstring is still a little tight they will make sure to pay closer attention to the back of your legs in the next session. A private yoga class is a time set aside just for you. Don’t be afraid to express your needs, it actually helps your instructor! If you love balancing poses or your next is extra still from a long plane ride, tell your instructor. 

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Alli Bradley